Food Strategy for Devon Event

Invite for the Food Strategy for Devon event

The Devon Food Partnership will be hosting an event to launch its Food Strategy for Devon

Written with input from a variety of stakeholders across the food and farming sector, the Strategy identifies the priorities for Devon’s food system for the next five years. The event will be an opportunity to feedback and shape future action on these priorities.

The day will include speakers on each of the Strategy’s six key themes, followed by interactive breakout groups. There will also be a marketplace of organisations and initiatives to highlight the brilliant work already being done. Tea, coffee, and a hog roast style buffet (including a vegetarian option) will be available.

The event will take place on 27th February 2023, 10:00-14:00 at Upton Barn and Walled Garden, Upton Farm, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 1RA. Please register here: