Wild About Devon Awards and Grants

Wild About Devon is a platform and network to help guide and inspire community action for wildlife. The initiative does this by linking communities with conservation organisations and experts. This work is overseen by the Devon County Council ecology team who co-ordinate the Devon Local Nature Partnership.

As part of the initiative, the Devon Local Nature Partnership has developed the Wild About Devon Community Wildlife Grant Scheme. This scheme aims to provide community groups with small pots of funding for advice, equipment, or other resources. These can then be used to carry out activities that promote wildlife such as creating new wildlife sites or changing the management of existing green spaces and buildings.

The fund is financed by the Devon Environment Foundation, Devon Communities Together, and Devon County Council. Community Wildlife Groups, Town / Parish Councils, Schools and Multi-Academy Trusts and other not-for-profit organisations are all welcome to apply. Applications are open until 22nd December 2023 via the Devon Communities Together webpage, where you can also find further information about the grants.

The Wild About Devon initiative also includes the Wild About Devon Awards. These are an opportunity to celebrate the amazing community projects and initiatives around the county helping to tackle the Climate and Ecological Emergency. There are four award categories, with three winners in each:

  • Wildlife Community of the Year Award
  • Wildlife Parish & Town Council of the Year Award
  • Wildlife School of the Year Award
  • Outstanding Individual Award

Submissions for the 2023 awards are open until 31st August 2023 on the Wild About Devon Awards 2023 webpage. The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in the Autumn.